ShopSite SC Manager is for the business manager who wants to begin marketing and selling products on the Internet, or who currently has a Web site, but wants to take the next step of selling products online.
ShopSite SC Manager has a simple, intuitive interface and provides features comparable to high-end commerce packages at a fraction of the price. Rather than spending several hours each day keeping the site's content fresh, a user can spend a few minutes with ShopSite SC Manager. New users can familiarize themselves with the software in the course of an afternoon. A site can be significantly customized using ShopSite SC Manager, so advanced users can display information in creative ways by typing their own HTML into the appropriate text fields.
More than a Web page editor, ShopSite SC Manager keeps product and sales information in databases. Change the price of a product in the database and ShopSite SC Manager will automatically regenerate HTML.
ShopSite SC Manager has the following features:
- Store Creation and Management Tools
- Easy Data Entry Screens — The ShopSite SC interface is simple to use no harder than normal browsing on the Internet.
- Internationalization — Everything the shopper sees can be in their native language (symbols as well as text).
- "Create Links" Function — Apply the ShopSite SC order button to existing HTML pages and automatically tap the power of ShopSite SC's secure shopping cart capabilities.
- Cross-platform — Client only needs a standard Web browser. No extra software or plug-ins are necessary.
- Remote Management — Storefronts and catalogs can be maintained from anywhere on the Internet.
- No HTML necessary — Creating the right layout is easy with our forms-based interface. Makes site creation and maintenance quick and easy.
- Templates — Balancing ease-of-use with flexibility in design, site designers can choose from several page and product layout templates.
- Virtually Unlimited pages/products/graphics — Storefronts or catalogs may contain a theoretical limit of 2 gigabytes of data, which does not include images or external files. A practical limit, based on manageability of the site, is up to 2000 items in the product database.
- Immediate media upload — Add graphics, sounds, movies, or other media materials easily using the immediate upload features in Netscape Navigator. No FTP is necessary.
- Media Library Manager — View, name, and set up media (including graphics, sounds, or movies) in the Media Manager.
- Database uploader — Build a store in one step. Create a database of products and page information offline, import to ShopSite SC via a tab-delimited file uploaded through the browser or FTP.
- Global Settings — Enables designers and mall operators to customize their ShopSite SC environment. Special settings include the ability to add your own company logo and phone number at the bottom of each page and to add a special icon on the final "Thank You" page that links the shopper back to your mall or a Web page of your choice.
Shopper Security
- Secure Credit Card Handling — The system takes advantage of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security, protecting both shoppers and merchants while sensitive information is in transit over the Internet. Credit card numbers are then encrypted when stored on the server.
- Secure Back Office — All changes are done in a password protected Web "back office."
- Sales and Marketing Tools
- Statistics — Monitor daily visitor counts and sales.
- E-mail notification of orders — Placing an order immediately triggers an e-mail receipt to the customer confirming the order, and an e-mail to the merchant, so he is instantly notified when sales are made.
- Online Order tracking — Orders are stored online for merchant reference as long as necessary. Viewing and deleting orders takes place within the back office.
Order Fulfillment Tools
- Shopping Basket — Allows customers to place orders online, in a secure, easy, and fast environment. ShopSite SC Manager's basket uses a unique cookies/IP combination tracking system.
- Real-time Credit Card Authorization/Processing — ShopSite SC Pro easily links to PaymentNet and CyberCash for real-time credit card authorization.
- Customizable Payment, Shipping, and Tax Options — Merchants can set their own prices for shipping and tax, and decide which credit cards (or other forms of payment) they want. Currently 25 different tax rates can be set by the user.
Want EZNET to design your site? Let our team of professional schedule a needs assessment meeting with you. Just fill out this form to give us a background of your company.