ShopSite SC Pro is a secure, online store creation and management application designed to meet the needs of merchants who are seeking to build a professional, yet affordable storefront. In addition to its site creation and management tools and secure shopping basket, ShopSite SC Pro includes real-time credit card authorization, a site search engine, detailed sales and traffic statistics, plus features that make handling larger product databases easier and more efficient.
Advanced Merchandising Tools
Merchants can better define and refine advertising and co-marketing strategies using the information provided by advanced statistical reporting on sales and traffic activity.
Merchants with high-traffic stores, and a merchant bank account, can now offer secure, real-time credit card authorization to their shoppers, then submit credit card orders over the Net for processing.
Site Search enables shoppers to quickly find what they are looking for from among 100s or 1000s of products within a single site, then purchase right from the search "results" page.
Pro's advanced order features give merchants several techniques for motivating customers to purchase one item over another based on price or discounts offered, and for rewarding "heavy" shoppers by applying a discount based on total dollars ordered.
- Real-time Credit Card Authorization/Processing — ShopSite SC Pro easily links to PaymentNet and Copperas for real-time credit card authorization.
- Site Search — The engine searches the ShopSite SC products database, presenting all matches on a separate "results" page. Customers see each product's name, price, description, a hot link to each product and an order button. The shopper can act on impulse right from the results page.
- Product Selector — Using the new "product selector" feature, merchants can quickly find the right product item from among thousands of items when working with the products databases from within ShopSite SC Pro's back office.
- Orders APIA — Using the ShopSite SC Pro "Orders Information" APIA, experienced developers can create custom order handling features, such as a custom program that delivers order information real-time to a fulfillment house or queries an inventory database to insure that the product being requested is in stock.
- Advanced Statistical Reporting — Improve the statistical analysis of your site. Know what's hot and what's not among today's visitors. Get detailed reports about who visited and what they saw.
Advanced Order Options for Shoppers
- "Order another" — enables the customer, right from the orders page, to request another incident of an item but apply different options, such as color, size and quantity to this line item.
- "Shopper discount" — enables the merchant to configure a dollar-based discount table in the back office that can be automatically applied to the shopper's merchandise total at the time of checkout.
- "Value-based order options" — enables the merchant to apply a discount or a premium to the base-price of a specific item, based on the pull-down menu option selected.
- Power edit Plus — By modifying one entry on the Power edit screen, a change can be applied to all selected pages or products.
- Smartens — For designers accustomed to using popular HTML page layout tools, this feature enables you to link existing ShopSite SC Pro database information, such as price, description, SKUA, and product name, into your existing pages, using HTML-like tags. Designers can take full advantage of cool HTML tools, yet retain the ease-of-management that comes from maintaining product information within ShopSite SC databases.
Features Store Creation and Management Tools
- Meta Tags — The keyword descriptions used by search engines can be set via the pages screen.
- Easy Data Entry Screens — The ShopSite SC interface is simple to use — no harder than normal browsing on the internet.
- Cross-platform — Client only needs a standard Web browser. No extra software or plug-ins are necessary.
- Remote Management — Storefronts and catalogs can be maintained from anywhere on the internet.
- No HTML necessary — Creating the right layout is easy with our forms-based interface. Makes site creation and maintenance quick and easy.
- Unrestricted number of products — ShopSite SC Pro has no hard limit on the number of products it can accept.
- Unlimited Shoppers — ShopSite SC does not limit the number of customers who may access, use, or purchase from an online store. For all practical purposes, there may be an unlimited number of concurrent users in any shopping activity.
- Immediate media upload — Add graphics, sounds, movies, or other media materials easily using the immediate upload features in Netscape Navigator. No FTP is necessary.
- Media Library Manager — View, name, and set up media (including graphics, sounds, or movies) in the Media Manager.
- Products Database upload — Allows for instant integration with existing business software (database, accounting, or spreadsheet) for immediate, offline, and simple updating and maintenance of the product database.
Shopper Security
- Encrypted Credit Card Storage — Credit card numbers are encrypted when stored on the server. If an unauthorized person accesses the order database, the information is useless.
- Encrypted in Transit — The system takes advantage of Secure Sockets Layer (SS) security, protecting both shoppers and merchants while sensitive information is in transit over the internet.
- Secure Back Office — All changes are done in a password protected back office.
Sales and Marketing Tools
- E-mail notification of orders — Placing an order immediately triggers an e-mail receipt to the customer confirming the order, and an e-mail to the merchant, so he is instantly notified when sales are made.
- Online Order tracking — Orders are stored online for merchant reference as long as necessary. Viewing and deleting orders takes place within the back office. Orders can be downloaded in tab-delimited format to a merchant's standard business management applications, such as a spreadsheet, database or accounting application.
Shopping Basket Features